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Mama, wife, stylist of 20 years and bonus hair specialist based in Calgary, Alberta

Meet Jo

Watching someone you love start treatment is overwhelming—truly an understatement. From what I’ve seen in supporting others through this journey, you often don’t know what you’ll need until you’re in the midst of it. The decision to shave your hair is very personal and can be very emotional for some people.

Charlize’s story is a perfect example. When we first met to discuss a wig, her hair was still intact, and the doctors weren’t certain she would lose it. So, we waited. Then, just after her second treatment, she washed her hair and it started coming out in handfuls. We had to move fast.

I went to her house, and together, with care and compassion, I shaved her head. Charlize felt it would be easier to let go on her own terms rather than watching it fall out rapidly. This has been pretty common in my experience. Often, when you reach the point where it would be noticed, many clients choose to proactively shave their hair. Many feel like they’d rather be in control than have the cancer determine when the change happened.

We chose a wig quickly, and I made the necessary adjustments. By the end of the week, Charlize had her wig. If I have a wig in stock, I can usually make sure we have this kind of turn around but if I don’t have the specific colour, look and length, then it can take up to 20 weeks to order a custom wig. You can read more about the customization process here.

Supporting Charlize and her family through this part of her treatment has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my career. I’m deeply honored that they allowed me to be part of such an intimate process.

Charlize, you’ve got this. X

If you know anyone going through cancer treatment in Calgary or Edmonton (or nearby), please share this story with me as well as the Look Good Feel Better resources that are available to them. I volunteer with Look Good Feel Better which offers complimentary workshops that give Canadians the tools and techniques to feel confident and empowered in their cancer journey. Register for one of their workshops here.

Break all the rules. Be you, in every way, no matter what they tell you.

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